Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

He’s in the Trial

Help me, Lord, to see the blessings from Your hand in the trial. Help me see the blessing that is the trial, for You are at work in me so that I will be and do Your good pleasure. Give me eyes of eternity, not eyes of earth; spirit eyes, not carnal ones, so that I can see past my own wants and fears, giving myself to the purposes You have ordained for me since the foundation of time. Help me truly seek Your Kingdom and righteousness, confident that, as I do, You will provide for my needs. 

Saturday, May 25, 2019

A Bride Without Wrinkle, Spot or Blemish

I failed in the greatest trial I ever had, but God didn’t; He showed me the lack of trust I had in Him, which would never had been revealed to me, had the trial not come. It was then, when the veneer was removed, that He could begin to build in me, the golden image of His beloved Son. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019


     I can’t help seeing what I see-the increasing decline of most Christians into the cesspool of the world’s clutches. The grief and anguish in my spirit, coupled with helplessness, puts me into a depression which becomes increasingly harder to get out of.
     The apostasy is upon us: in the world, in our country, our city, and our own family. The light is being snuffed out. Come, Lord Jesus.

Referring to Lot, God’s Word says, “...........a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men (for that righteous man, living among them day after day was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard.” 2 Peter 2:7,8.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Living like Him

1 John 2:6-“Whoever claims to live in Him, must live as Jesus did.”

How did Jesus live? He lived hated, he lived mocked, He lived with the whole world against Him. He lived alone when the chips were down (in the garden) He lived betrayed and denied by one’s He thought loved Him, He lived abused, BUT He lived loyal to the Father’s Will, because of the strong bond of love they had, and brought Him glory!!! He lived having completed the mission He was sent here for. 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is everlasting Life. We, as Christ followers, will never fully cross from death into life until we physically die; but until then we will have to deal with good/evil (imperfections/limitations) in the world, ourselves, and others. The first Adam/Eve ate of that tree which translates into our struggles today, while we are in this mortal body.  We must wait, trusting God, taking Him at His Word, that mortality will be swallowed up by immortality, when we will, one day, live in the presence of God forever, in the Light and Life of His goodness, without worry, fear, or struggle. But, for now, while still in our mortal bodies, we struggle through in hope of that new day dawning when our joy will be complete!!!