This quote below explains something I went through this past week:
"Satan sends ones against us that stir the very fleshly emotions that hold us captive.
If you think this is happening today, wait until tomorrow.
Those that "bicker" with the "Saints" are certainly NOT of the Saints, or residing in the same dimension in which they reside. There is no way a person who speaks the language of Babylon can understand one who speaks the language of The Kingdom.
We are seeing the joining of government and religion becoming one in their hatred of those who love the Truth; the TRUE followers of Christ. Lets get this clearly in our minds-
COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, and participate NOT with her sins, OR WITH HER PEOPLE."
Two friends I've had for 20 years came against me and my beliefs, and made it almost impossible for those relationships to continue. I was stunned, grieved, and confused at first. Amazingly, though, God kept my spirit in peace through it all.
A few day later I read the article above, and God spoke to me through it, explaining what had really gone on spiritually. Even though satan had stirred my friends against me, (and tempted me to be stirred in my emotions) it was for my good to be severed from them. It was another example of "what satan meant for harm, God has turned to good."
I didn't need to be in union with them anymore, and it was by God's sovereign grace that this barrier was erected.
He is presently drawing lines of separation in this day, and I believe, this will be evidenced more and more as the Day draws near. He even tells us that in the last days, our enemies will be those of our own household. This is hard to hear and listen to because we love our families and want everyone in them to be on the same side. God perhaps told us this so that when it happens, we will be able to identify it, and so that we will be somewhat prepared for it.
I guess the bottom line is if we will choose Christ first and His Truth over any and all things and people. We will get opportunity to make these choices as the time draws near; to prove where our hearts really stand. And we can only stand in the power and strength He provides for us, as we let the cross be bared on our souls, allowing Him to arise in us and take dominion.