“You tried to harm me, but God made it turn out for good, so that he could save all these people, as he is now doing.”-Gen. 50:20
We recognize this statement from the mouth of Joseph speaking to his brothers when he was an officer in Pharoah’s court, after they had come to beg food, when there was a bad famine in the land. Before he had been given this position, his brothers had beaten him unmercilessly and thrown him in a well, because they were jealous of his relationship with their father. But, God, had spared him, and after going through many trials, he was given this place of authority over the food distribution. When his brothers came, they hadn’t recognized him at first; then, Joseph revealed himself to them and made this statement.
The devil works in the lives of God’s children in the same way. He tries to cause us harm, and is successful many times. He lies to us against ourselves, God and others, and if we don’t know any
better, we believe him and are damaged from that. He schemes against us, by setting up scenarios that try our faith, our mental and emotional faculties, and even our very lives, and in our innocence, we fall for them. He pits one against another in our natural relationships, and even in the Body of Christ. Especially there. And because of unhealed wounds, we become a part of his schisms that divide.
Let’s look at Joseph and his brothers a little closer and see if we can find some “types” that we can see and that will have revelation application for us today, relating to this Scripture.
Jacob (Joseph’s Father) is a type of Christ, and Joseph represents his true sons, which we are, if we’ve received Him, and have submitted under His Lordship, allowing Him to work in us to do His will.
Joseph’s evil brothers represent Satan in our lives. He has tried so many times to kill us, and things in us like our hope, our faith, the assurance of our salvation, our trust, and our joy, to name a few, but God has preserved and protected us, (let’s use the quoted Scripture above) “to save many people, as He is doing.”
The primary thing that he is after, though, is Christ in us. He wants to kill the sons of Christ, (who are the progenitors of a new race) to kill Christ within, ( a silly notion) and to snuff out the gifts and callings He has put inside of us, to bring about the maturity of His Body, and to bring salvation to many people!
Satan meant it for harm, (all these attempts to devour us, even if we fell for them) but God has turned it all to His good!!! He is building His ecclesia (using us, His living stones to do it) and (let this sink in) the gates of Hell WILL NOT prevail against it!!!! God’s perfect plans and purposes, those that are according to His good pleasure, WILL carry the day, and be victorious, in the life of His sons, for His is a Kingdom that will have no end. It cannot be stopped. It is Eternal............
Let this reality be applied to your heart whenever Satan comes and you find yourself stripped, beaten, and down in the well, (seemingly), with no way to escape. It is only an illusion, if you are His sons. He is using it ALL to His glory!!!!