The Parousia in you
The parousia means the second coming of Jesus. Most believe this will be a literal visual coming back to earth of Jesus, as stated in the book of Acts. Two angels told those present when He ascended to heaven that the same Jesus you have seen ascend will return someday. That someday has been called the Parousia or second coming.
This coming will bring with it God restoring all things to it's original order or purpose, cleansing everything from all the corruption due to sin which has befallen his creation. How and when this will happen is only Gods' to know.
I believe it's two fold, however. He comes in us, and He is coming. I suggest that if you have received Jesus as the payment for your sin, and as your Lord, than He is in you by His Spirit, and, as we desire Him to, He will restore all things in us that sin has corrupted. "The Kingdom of God is within." This can be called "soul healing." He is intent on gaining ground in us that the enemy has taken, as He prepares His Bride for His physical second coming.
How does one receive such healing? Where do you go and "get it"? The process can begin by coming to Him and simply asking Him to "create in my a clean heart, O God," in sincerity, realizing that we have been stained by sin and need to be washed, and knowing He is the true living water that can adequately do the job.
I've heard it said that first the Lord catches the fish and then He cleans them. This cleaning is a life long process. I believe He wants us to engage our wills and ask Him for this healing on the inside and submit to it. This lowering ourselves before Him puts us in a position of receiving. He will deliver, in His way and in His time.
The Parousia (his coming in us) has occured if we are born-again, and He wants to come and restore us back to the original blueprint He created. This made us unique and destined for His purpose for us to carry out. With each crooked place that is made straight, our true selves will shine through more and more. That light that becomes brighter and brighter in us will direct others to the only Light of the world, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who one day will split the eastern sky, and we will see Him face to face in all His glory.
This coming will bring with it God restoring all things to it's original order or purpose, cleansing everything from all the corruption due to sin which has befallen his creation. How and when this will happen is only Gods' to know.
I believe it's two fold, however. He comes in us, and He is coming. I suggest that if you have received Jesus as the payment for your sin, and as your Lord, than He is in you by His Spirit, and, as we desire Him to, He will restore all things in us that sin has corrupted. "The Kingdom of God is within." This can be called "soul healing." He is intent on gaining ground in us that the enemy has taken, as He prepares His Bride for His physical second coming.
How does one receive such healing? Where do you go and "get it"? The process can begin by coming to Him and simply asking Him to "create in my a clean heart, O God," in sincerity, realizing that we have been stained by sin and need to be washed, and knowing He is the true living water that can adequately do the job.
I've heard it said that first the Lord catches the fish and then He cleans them. This cleaning is a life long process. I believe He wants us to engage our wills and ask Him for this healing on the inside and submit to it. This lowering ourselves before Him puts us in a position of receiving. He will deliver, in His way and in His time.
The Parousia (his coming in us) has occured if we are born-again, and He wants to come and restore us back to the original blueprint He created. This made us unique and destined for His purpose for us to carry out. With each crooked place that is made straight, our true selves will shine through more and more. That light that becomes brighter and brighter in us will direct others to the only Light of the world, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who one day will split the eastern sky, and we will see Him face to face in all His glory.