Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Precious Will of God

     I had stated in a previous post that I was "apolitical" meaning that I didn't identify myself with a political party because of the effect that would have in others' eyes, which may interfer with my sharing the Gospel with them. Sort of like, "being all things to all people, that I might save some."
    Last night, however, I did watch the VP political debate, because my husband is very political and likes that kind of thing, so I went with him to his sister's house to watch it with him. I must say I was very tempted to go to a movie by myself, and then just meet him back at the house after the debate. But, God wouldn't let me. Well, I say that, but really it was that God showed me His will, and then let me decide. So, I acquiesced and went with him. I remember many years ago before my husband was saved, and I was so concerned about him watching so much TV. He'd come in at night, eat, turn on the TV, and go to bed. This daily ritual seemed to be our destiny!!
     At one point in time, I called it a "dying room" instead of a living room, because, as I looked at my family, I saw their souls dying as they stared at that mesmerizing idol. Their eyes would be fixed, their minds engaged fully, and their reactions were dulled like they were on drugs or something. Actually, because of all the turmoil which was going on in the family, much of which was due to what I had sown, they needed some pain relief, because, at the time, they didn't have the Lord to go to.
     Anyway, during this time when my husband was so indwelt in TV watching, the Lord spoke to me. He said, "Sit down and watch it with him." Just that simple. So, I began to do that, and before long, as I remember it, God began to take control. He spoke to me yesterday in the same way, and said, "Just go with him and watch the debate."
     I think God is creating a "oneness" in us, a prayer I've put before Him for many years now. And, I think I am being guided by His Hand to not be doing "my own thing" so much, so that He can create that oneness I've asked for, and that I know He wants too.
    So, it wasn't about me seeing the debate or not that mattered, but what God is accomplishing when we follow His will. I am seeing that my cooperation in these daily decisions, is what God wants and is what God works in us to create and accomplishes His plan, and the vision He has for our lives. It makes me very happy and at rest to know He has used that one simple action for His glory.
     Yesterday, I wondered "who even knows I exist?" Today He is reminding me that He knows I exist, and He watches, as does all the company of Heaven. Is is going too far to think that whenever we choose His will over our own, that the angels cry out "Holy, Holy, Holy" as they know that when we do, His will comes down "on earth as it is in Heaven"? Ah, the precious Will of God!!


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