Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Come and Dine!

     Lately I have just been devouring the Word of God, and it is tasting very sumptious! It's like I can't get enough of it, and I can almost feel it nourishing me as I eat. I don't know when the last time was that I felt this way, if ever.  It's like I can't wait until I read it again, because I know that it is going to fill me. I know it's not me, but what He's done in me that is making my receptors respond in this way. Wow! The power of God in us is something that cannot be explained. I am so encouraged in this walk with Him. I have been through many, many thrills, chills and valleys, and in perserverance in continuing to look to Him, He has brought me in, through and out the other side for the better. I couldn't do that myself. It's supernatural! My only part has been to "keep the faith, baby!"(as my Dad used to say) With our faith in Him, His will happens in us and in our life!! Keep on truckin' fellow travelers! The ride is wild, and sometimes frightening, but the result is always exhilarating and fulfilling, if we "faint not." God will finish in you what He started. And when tempted to quit, let's join with Peter in saying, "Lord, to who will we go? You have the Words to eternal life!!!" Amen, Bro. P., couldn't have said it better myself. I think I'll go and eat some dessert. The Book of Acts, anyone?


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