Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Cheap Grace" or the Real Thing?

      I've been plumbing the depths to find True Grace, by first of all asking God to lead me in the true ways and bring His revelation to me. After that, I've been reading what others have said about "grace" all the while having my antennae up towards the Holy Spirit's truth indicator. Sometimes I get a sort of "bingo" in my spirit whenever He is revealing a truth to me, and a "red light" on things that are error.
     Today in our hedonistic society, grace is being purported as a ticket to some kind of fairy land of God, and presented in such a way as to secure everything we've ever wanted. When I read the writers of old, I find that same kind of grace, "cheap grace" they called it, being offered also. This is an old trick of satan.
     Now, it has caused me to seek further on this almost non-descript gift God offers us. I want to receive what He has to offer me, and I believe that I have, but I don't want to change the truth into a lie, and alter His true grace and define it by the lusts of the flesh. That is what I think has happened today in rich America, and is being imported around the world.
     So, I am excited about my quest because I know that if I seek His will and truth in this, then He will open up my spirit and lead me to the truth, and this truth, as all truth, will set me free. I know that the renewing of my mind is part of the process to be able to see clearer and clearer in this process He's taking me through.
     So when you hear about the new (but old) "grace" doctrine out there, take it to the Lord and ask Him to help you seperate truth from error, because it's that 10% error, or that little leaven, that spoils the whole batch. It is very deceptive, subtle and clever.(in a bad way)
     Yes, God offers us Grace; grace to save, grace to deliver and grace to grow and overcome. Tweeking His gift to suit our desires, though, cheapens the value and perverts the saint who eats of this belief. Help us, Lord, bring everything to you for your inspection and guidance for you are our Good Shepherd and will protect us from the food of the enemy. It could be laced with poison, although the meat looks so good on the outside. These are perilous times indeed!!!


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