Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Who is God?

     Recently, I became interested in attending a Sunday School class at a church because of the topic they were going to study, which was "Knowing God." At first, I thought how elementary that was, and then upon second consideration, I realized that it was not. Who can plumb the depths of who God is? Who can know Him through and through? And, isn't getting to know Him better what it's all about? Even people who are married for decades keep finding out new things about each other; how much more with God, the eternal One.
     I remember studying the attributes of God at some point in my life, but this was different than knowing Him for myself. When I first started a relationship with God, I knew Him as Rescuer and then as Savior. I was in such deep darkness, that I could not rescue myself. He came to me when I was in that state of being, and presented me with an offer that I would have been foolish to refuse. He gave me an offer of new Life, and Restoration. So you could say I then knew Him as Life-Giver and Restorer. By His Spirit, He showed me two paths: the one I was presently on, and the one that He was on, and invited me to join Him. Then He showed me the outcome of walking on each path; one of destruction and one of Life. So, I guess you could say I then knew Him as a Prophetic See-er, and as the Merciful One.
     One of the main things I know about God in my relationship with Him is as My Sanctifier, or the One who makes me clean and whole. Most of my life, (even before I knew Him) I have been dissatisfied with me, and my behavior.  I read many self-help books, thinking if I could get the picture of how I was "supposed to be" then I could become that. Now, I realize how foolish, (knowing what I have since learned) to think that the sin nature in me could become "good," because in it is "no good thing," God's Word reveals. Only by God's nature in me, when I accepted Him, is the only thing Good. My old nature then died, and in Him I became alive. That continual death process in me now,  is the only way I can "walk in newness of life," understanding that it is His Life in me that "is walking." Recently, He has shown me more of what it means to "consider myself dead," and this understanding and believing is setting me free!!!! God is my Sanctifier; I have experienced Him in this way.
     And He goes on and on. Each one of us could relay how we have known God, and each one can know Him in different ways in their own personal walk. In one sense, I'm glad the Sunday School class didn't work out, as I fear it may have been a checklist of God's attributes, and not a personal survey of how each child of His has known Him. A doctrine of who God is, is stale, and a personal testimony of who He is to us, is living!!!

P.S.-Please read the post before this and respond. Thank you.


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