Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fleshly Sons or Spiritual Sons?

     There is much being taught in certain Christian circles concerning the Sons of God. Of course most know that when we receive Jesus as our Lord we are born again  of the Spirit, as God's word says. At that point, our development begins. If we willingly submit to the Father of Lights and Live, we enter into a process of being conformed to His image. If we haven't truly submitted to Him in our hearts, we may think we are His sons and daughters, but in reality we are not. If we proceed to live our own lives, we operate in and develop more fully our fleshly nature. If we are in that category, we may do many of the things we see Christ do, except it will be according to our flesh. One day, if we keep on living an unsurrendered life, He will proclaim that He never knew us.
    God's true sons are those who allow Him to crucify their flesh, teaching them to die daily by many trials, tribulations and sufferings to the flesh. Their own fleshly wills are denied willingly, and as they grow according to His image, His will becomes theirs gladly. As it was Jesus' delight to please His Father, so it is the true sons of God delight also.
     The suffering of our flesh is part of the process of becoming more like Christ. As we walk in His Spirit, we won't fulfill the lust of the flesh. (what our flesh or our natural man wants) The fleshly "son" or the "son" who was conceived by fleshly contrived means and are therefore in bondage to the control of the flesh, is in God's eyes, cast out. The sons of the promise, or the sons free to do and want to do God's will, are truly His, as they are just following the pattern of the first-born Son as He submitted His Life to His Father.
     Could that be what is meant by the one who came to the Bridal Supper, and God asked him what
he was doing there, and why he was not wearing the proper clothes, or the fine-linen of righteousness? We can only be God's true sons if we accept what Jesus did for us on the cross by dying for our sins, and then letting His righteousness come forth in us, by dying to ourselves. Any other Gospel that excludes our death on the cross and all that entails is only trying to obtain the promise by one's own means in preserving one's own way. True sons or false sons? Only we can decide.


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