Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

When a person lets go of control in a certain area of their life, and gives it to the Lord in trust, IT FREES THEM!!! They are no longer chained to the responsibility to fix, rescue, or restore. As God takes what you've handed Him, only then can any real, lasting and eternal change happen. If we believe we can out think God in our well-intentioned solutions, and keep trying to do so, the result will be frustration, sadness, anger, fear, or something else negative to us and those around us. I sound like an expert in this area, and regretfully I am. He has been showing me lately what I wrote in the first sentence, and He's touched the eyes of my heart to where I am beginning to truly believe it. By His grace, He's increased my trust in Him.


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