Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Job's Blindness and his Healing

     It just hit me that what happened to Job was given as  a prototype of what must happen in all of our lives, if we truly desire for the Lord to be truly Lord of us. I'm not talking about what happened to him specifically, but as far as God removing those things that we either look upon as idols, or those things or people we put our security in.
      Look at Job for a minute: He had it all, and he knew it, and seemed to be quite comfortable with it, and perhaps even placed his security in the way his life turned out. Maybe he even loved his life over loving the Lord, or maybe he even took credit for the way his life turned out.  I'm talking about the condition of his heart, not what appeared to be. Yes, God said he was righteous, but did that mean he was perfect? I think it meant God knew Job truly believed in God, and his desire was to walk in His ways, and would never leave God, no matter what; that he was a man after God's own heart, like David was. But, he still needed everything to be shaken in him, so that God could truly have preeminence in Job's life.
     If we are sincere about wanting to follow God's will, by surrendering everything to Him which gets in the way of doing that, He will, over our lifetime, get us to the point, by circumstances or by revelation, of lying in the ash heap with nothing left but Him facing us, as He did in Job's life. It's just that Job's shaking was all crammed into one,  unending earthquake, and most of ours, God spreads out, as we make adjustments all along the way. With each new "shaking" God increases while we decrease, and that's a good thing for those who really want Him to. This is His will concerning us.
     The end result of Job's dealings was the beauty of humility that God worked in him, expressed when he said that he had known things about God that were too big for him to know, (which to me indicates that perhaps he really didn't know as much as he thought he did, pointing to his pride) and when he finally did truly see God, he hated himself and repented in dust and ashes. To be brought to the ash heap is to be at the end of our self, must be such a relief. We are then free to serve God and others,  and not ourselves any longer.
     I'm wondering too, if him being given so much more than he had before is  representative of the spiritual blessing of knowing God as He is, over knowing Him as we think we see Him. If we don't see Him as over us in everything, and ourselves in relation to Him, than we don't see Him or ourselves at all, but through veiled eyes of pride, defending our own righteousness as Job did.
     I'm sure after all was said and done to Job, his testimony was that of the once physically blind man-"All I know is that once I was blind and now I see." To see with spiritual eyes is to see reality, which is Christ in His fullness.



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