Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

"Using Christmas" for His Glory!

     "We don't do Christmas, we do Jesus"-these were the words of my 2 young grandaughters many years ago, when asked by a storeclerk if they were ready for Christmas. And while these same 2 girls now do Christmas, my husband and I still do not.
     If someone wants to know all the pagan history and symbolism of it, there is certainly enough info. on the internet to inform you, so I won't go into those aspects of it. But, it is valuable information for the open minded, if God has set a question in your heart concerning Christmas. To us, it is another part of "coming out from among them,"-just another aspect of Babylon, or the worldly values, or Mammon.*
     Each year it comes around, with it come new thoughts and feelings in me.  For one thing, since it's been close to 10 years since we've participated in it, I feel so removed. This is an uncomfortable feeling, but one I believe, is part of what it means to be set apart unto Him. There is  a cost, and I am counting it, and paying it in possibly  being misunderstood, or judged as "legalistic" or "weird" or even in rejection.
     This year, though, it seems like God is having me "use Christmas," to His advantage and purposes. It seems He is reworking it somehow, and showing me things about it which can benefit me and others.
   It came to my attention that in the stores during this season, the inventory is increased, and there are items which they don't stock at any other time of the year. And, since I live in the country, it feels good to have more people out and about  around me while I parallel shop. So far, though, I've only bought a few clothes, and a birthday present for my grandaughter's March birthday.
     And, this year, I created a winter arrangement in the old wheelbarrow for my front porch, because I love to decorate. These two things are ones to my advantage and pleasure; things the Lord has given me freedom to do.
    Another more meaningful thing my husband and I are going to do is to have a friend over on Christmas day who has no family, for a nice lunch, and a few desserts. Also, I have ordered a peaceful winter scene picture to hang on her wall; something she has wanted.
     So, I could be accused of celebrating it, modestly, but that is not really what is going on. The reason I am inviting my friend is because she celebrates it, and for her, it would produce a sense of loneliness if she was alone on that specific day, which the world has put way too much emphasis on.  Getting her the gift could be considered celebrating it, but again, in doing this, it's more like I am " being all things to all people, that I might save some" This means that by this act of love towards her, she may become more opened in her heart to the words the Lord may have me to share with her in the future, which may help produce more life in her. She says she knows the Lord and reads her Bible and prays, but she has many bondages in her soul, which she needs freedom from. He has put her in my lifw for His reasons.
     One more new thing I am doing this year, is sending a certain couple I met this summer, some money, as I know they struggle. You see, they both were on drugs and in a bad lifestyle and much darkness, until they came to know the Lord. A friend of mine and her husband have shown them loving care and kindness, and the last report I got about this couple was a good one. It seems they are coming along in the Lord. When I heard that, I was so happy. But I know, that being an infant in Christ is a vulnerable thing, and that satan, their former master, sits knocking at the door. So, in sending them money with a card, I will be showing love and support to them. My personal belief is that when we show love to people in various ways, it strengthens them to keep following the Lord, as if love is the fuel which helps them do so.
     So, I am "using Christmas," which, in one way, is the opposite of what happened in the distant past. Christmas used me, and I believe uses many people around the world. What I mean is that the sense of obligation, looms so large, many just go about doing many things they think they have to do. They have to buy gifts, they have to decorate the house, they have to make certain traditional dishes, etc. never realizing they are free to do or not to do what they want.
     Nothing is laid in cement. If stessed-filled people of God, would put everything aside, and asked God what He would have them to do or not to do, He would show them how to use Christmas for His glory, and then they would be free of the shackles of "the shoulds and should nots," and His will would be done.
"And you reject the word of God for the traditions that you deliver, and many things like these you do.”-Mark 7"13. (Aramaic Bible in Plain English.)

We must let go of all of our tradititons, and everything we hold onto, in order to be freed up to serve Him and His purposes in our lives.

 * P.S.-If anyone would like to know the specifics of what God has shown us about Christmas, please feel free to contact me by email, and I would be glad to tell you.


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