Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Sunday, December 09, 2012


     "Looking unto Jesus"-Oh, if we could only just fix our gaze upon Him and not look away!  Then, indeed, as the song goes, the things of this world would grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. And, I might add, so would all our struggles both internal and external.
     A few days ago, a friend and I were talking about what it means to have a face-to-face relationship with Him. When I was at a funeral last week, the pastor shared about when his father finally accepted the Lord. It was a death bed conversion. After he came to know the Lord, their relationship began to change to the point, the pastor shared, that he even got up in his bed and was able to put their cheeks together and rub the side of his face. The intimacy of it all!!!
     But, a face-to-face relationship goes even further. Looking into His eyes, and He looking into ours results in something miraculous happening. We are changed into His likeness. We see not only ourselves as He sees us, but also others. At that point, we are abiding in Him, and so His substance is transferred to us. The goodness we experience in our beings is His goodness pulsing in our veins. The love we experience is His love and so on. We see things as they are; the clean from the unclean as He determines it, and not us.
     When my friend was describing this relationship, I saw a vision of someone with their face turned away, but close to His. Then I saw Him ever so gently, turn that face to His so they could look into each others' eyes. I was seeing that person as myself and others who have not trusted fully in Him. They were turned away, afraid to trust, or because they didn't want Him to know that, and knew if He looked into their eyes, then He would. (It's silly how we try and hide from Him.) But with the picture of Him gently turning his/her face, He was helping her trust because He knew she didn't have the trust to turn her face herself, if that makes sense. By Him doing it, He was saying, "Fear not little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom," or just simply, "you can trust me. I will not forsake, betray, hurt, or cause you to fear in anyway. I love you with a pure love; a love that is true and everlasting; a love that is beautiful, as you are to me."
     This is the kind of relationship He wants with us now. This is the kind we can have now. Let Him turn your face to His. Look into His glorious eyes! He is the only trusted soul mate. He is the only One who understands you completely, and loves you truly. Look and be loved.

If seeing this guy's face distracts you, just close your eyes and see Jesus instead. I like to  pick "regular Joes" sometimes to sing familiar worship songs. Also, if any men out there have been taunted by their interest in playing piano, or are considering quitting lessons, DON'T! God has given you that gift of music, and satan fights against anyone (especially men in certain cultures) from using their gifts. Press on, and be encouraged! There is always persecution as we step out for God's glory. Don't let the world and the enemy rob you with what God wants to do with the gift He's put inside of you. Let it grow and develope fully. As you "turn your eyes upon Him; play to Him-sing to Him! He is your Audience of One-the only One that matters!!!


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