Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

The Voice of the Spirit

     The Lord has been expanding my vision of the Kingdom lately. He's exposing me to articles and books which speak of new vistas I have yet to know and embrace. As I read, I am aware that it is Him directing me. If I try to make sense of it all myself by attempting to put the pieces together, confusion and unrest result. So, I am just reading, opening my spirit, and trusting Him to impart in me those things He desires me to see. When reading, I can't get enough of what His Spirit is speaking to me. It is like food that I have been so desirous of. It is spiritual truth which satisfies.
     If someone were to ask me what it is that I am reading with the belief that if they read the same, they too would receive this filling, I would hesitate to tell them. Why? Because we are all at different places in the maturing process, and if we are not at a place we can receive greater truths, it will only make us sick. I had to learn that the hard way.
    It's not about a certain author, and even that a particular author has written pure truth.(His Holy Spirit will rightly divide that for you.) It's because it's GOD who is doing the leading,through a specific book or article that matters. And, that is not the only way He teaches. It's obvious He uses the truths in the written Word, but he also uses so many different ways to show us His truths, I dare not even list them. All He has created or man has made is at His disposal.
      He hasn't used what someone has written to speak to me through for a long time. In fact, there was a time, I felt He didn't want me to read anything by a human author. Probably because I was still impressed with man, and would be too easily influenced at that time.
     Do you know where God, by His Spirit, "has you" ? How and what is He leading you in, and by what means?  What is He teaching you? We need to be aware and alert to His Holy Spirit in our lives, so we can respond to Him and follow. My daughter uses the term "download" to indicate the truths He is revealing to her and is placing in her. I think that is an accurate way to describe it.
     Do you have ears to hear? Are you in-tuned with the voice and/or leading of the Spirit? If not, it may be because you have been listening to your own reasoning or other people's voices for too long that His voice is in the distant background,  or you haven't received the Holy Spirit since you believed.  If you want to hear God's leading in your life, ask Him for His Holy Spirit,  then let Him train you to listen (this will take letting Him restore you to His original design) be really quiet, and over time, you will hear Him. He longs to commune with you in this way. Sweet, sweet communion.
You might join with these ladies in your heart, as they sing a prayer inviting Him in.



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