Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Now of Later?

     A new Day is coming! Can you sense it? Can you feel the light shining brighter in the midst of the darkness that is encroaching on men's souls and then collectively on this earth? God's will and purpose from time past, as we know it, (but it's all the same to Him) is that His Kingdom will come in and through us. This teaching has also been taught falsely by those who don't want to go through the process of dying to self. ("Domionism" they call it. Beware of this term.)
     If a man's will has not been surrendered to His will, then his flesh will try and bring about the Kingdom, and it will be a kingdom of his own making, and not God's . It will have to happen by force at some point, because learning to live by the Spirit has not been learned. This life is one of surrendering to God's Holy Will about everything and everyone else. (Including our own selves; the hardest will to lay down) Of course, this happens on a daily basis, as we agree to "follow the Spirit wherever He goes."
    I don't think this is being taught in traditional Christianity. Whenever we were in the system, it was starting to turn to being about "me," segwayed with the Gospel endorsing the subtle reality that you can have it your way, and God welcomes that. He is pleased to give you your way, I've heard it said. Wait a minute-that smacks in the face of our lives not being our own, and that we were bought with a price,and many other glaring truths (though often ignored) in His Word. So we had to leave. We couldn 't hear the voice of His Spirit. The voice of man was conflicting with it. We went to be with Him in the wilderness.
     No, my brothers and sisters, there is a cost to following Him, and it is to be willing to submit your will to His, so that it is His Kingdom that will come through us, and not our own. I think the flesh of man already tried that one back in Babel, and all in the name of God. Sad, sad. 
     I am sensing the "new heaven and the new earth" coming closer through those who have counted the cost of following Him, and have decided it is worth the cost, and really, those who see Him know that there really is no true cost at all, as His righteousness, holiness and love is their blessed reward. It's just deciding if you want your reward now, or later.
     I really don't know how all of it is going to play out, but I do know that "I want to be in that number," united with His heart and with the saints of God when it does. With anticipation, I await Him splitting the Eastern sky, and seeing Him face to face. In the meantime, I will occupy til He comes, meaning I will continue to let Him occupy me, and even advance in me (where the Kingdom of God is now) so that the mountains in me will become valleys, and the crooked places will become straight, so that the Light of His Presence will dispel the darkness, and He alone will have the preeminence. Even so, come Lord Jesus.


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