Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Friday, March 14, 2014

From Dry Bones to Sinews

     Living in two realms is strange and challenging. What I'm referring to is the transitioning from being in the flesh and becoming spirit, as we are being conformed to His image. Lately I have done things as if it was not me doing them, but Him, and at the same time, I've been aware of it, usually in retrospect. The "nevertheless, not I, but Christ," reality is experienced.
     It could also be the same as being in the world, but not of it. When Christ in us begins to take dominion over us, it feels like being in a very foreign place. We've hung our hat so long in this world that is passing away, that experiencing the new world feels isolating and lonely, but exciting at the same time. Another benefit of being there is that the things that bothered and/or upset you in the old world, won't anymore. You are ascending above the fray. Sounds surreal, doesn't it? Yes, it is surreal coupled with new experiences, thoughts and feelings as the process continues. One brother calls it "becoming a son of God."
     If "more of Him, and less of me" has been the sincere cry of your heart, then He is putting you through His baptism of fire. The outcome of that over time is  experiencing more of Him inside of you, and then manifesting Himself outside of you. Ultimately His will becomes your will; His life your life; and His heart and mind; your heart and mind. The "you" that has been known, will no longer be. You will feel your old self passing away and experience Him coming more alive. It is a real and strange transformation where the light gets brighter and brighter until the noon day comes, or until He is established in you.  Prov. 4:18. 


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