Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Praise to God Most High

     Praise you, Jesus, that during the night you healed me. I don't have any more pains in my body this morning. "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning!"-you proved yourself to me once again, Lord. You are trustworthy. You are faithful. Your light in me, dispels the darkness! You are restoring all things, Lord. All things in me, and in your creation. The transformation you bring is complete and everlasting. I offer this praise to You, for your sacrifice on my behalf, and the resulting victory over all sin, death and the power of the devil. This defeat is our victory, for the Kingdom and an offering to God, our Father. Thank you, for including me in on the fellowship that you and God have; for asking Him that I would be a part of that, and of which, I am beginning to experience, as you grow me to maturity in You. You alone are worthy to be honored for your giving heart on behalf of mankind. Your will is that all people open up to your love and truth, and so be saved. Glory to our God and Father for His purposes which have and continue to be realized in the earth. Amen.


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