Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Trusting Him for our Healing

     Healing is a subject that has many varied beliefs in Christian circles. One thing I think all would agree upon is that the Healer is Jesus Christ. We should stick with that which unifies, the who of healing, instead of debating the how. All glory to God anyway, eh?
     Currently, I am not feeling well and I don't know why. I have some ideas, but not really sure. I am surveying my healing day by day, and it appears that I am being healed slowly. Sometimes when it takes awhile to heal, God is after something in us, or is wanting to show us something as we go through the process, and, if we were healed instantly, we would not be able to learn or hear it. So, I'm seeking Him as to why it is taking so long and for what He is trying to say to me or show me.
     Because I have been on a two-week trip overseas, I haven't seen my extended family yet, and have wondered about that. I have wondered why I haven't, and yet I know that it is because I don't feel well, and so I wouldn't be good company if I did. I have been encased with the Lord, and I believe that is the way He has wanted it. I think He's wanting to show me the most important thing in my life; to abide and be with Him. He is my priority, and everything good that comes from me is because of my time alone with Him. Sometimes He has to make it easy for us to do that, even if He uses our lingering sickness.
     His timing for everything is so important to respect and honor, because in His wisdom all things are established. Only He knows what it really going on, not us. When we accept things as they are, trusting that He is in control of them, then we can know all is working out for good, and we can rest in that. When we try and hurry things up, or fix them ourselves, we run into brick walls and frustration results.
     He makes all things beautiful in His time. We are being restored, healed, set free, and transformed -it is true. We can count on Him to complete us in every area of our being, for He who is faithful will do it!!!!


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