Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I Seek to do Your Will, O God

"I think the main key is to wrestle with the text.  When we do that, we can sort out with the Lord what He is trying to teach us.  We can live according to our convictions. We can be faithful to what we understand. It will always be limited. We will often get something wrong. But we can answer to the Lord for our actions and He will know we were doing our best to be obedient."

I love these quotes. I found them on a website today and I believe it answers the dilemma about interpreting the Word of God in our lives, and how others "see" and "apply" it differently than we do. Simply, we all "see through a glass darkly," but if the desire to do as He wants is there, I believe He honors that.


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