Christ in Us; the Hope of Glory!! (Let Him Out)
I like to read books and articles on our life in Christ. Sometimes an author can say a "truth" of God in a different way than another author, and it becomes "rhema" (life-giving) to us, or they state a truth that reaffirms what God has been speaking to you which can quell some confusion you may have had about an issue.
For quite awhile now, I have been wanting to use quotes from things I 've read which have just seemed to say it nicely in order to share with you, and to get your comments. I've decided not to disclose the authors, as sometimes, because of our hidden biases or prejudices for or against a certain author, we can't fully embrace the truths of the statements and benefit from them.
Below are some quotes from a book I was reading from this morning, I'd like to share:
"Immediately after a person is saved, and has received the Lord's life, he must see the way of the cross. He must know that he has to be broken and dealt with so that the life of Christ can be manifested through him. When the life of Christ is manifested in the believers, the functions for the services will be manifested through them. Newly saved ones have the life of Christ, but their functions are not discernable. After they have grown in life, passed through the breaking of the cross, experienced consecration, and dealt with their natural life and flesh, then Christ can be manifested through them.
The manifestation of function is absolutely not through human inciting nor through human encouragement. Please remember this principle: Any work stirred up by men is useless. Christ can be expressed only by our ministering the life of Christ, experiencing the way of the cross, and dealing with the natural life and the flesh. The various services can be manifested only through the manifestation of the life of Christ."
In other words, if we let ourselves "die" Christ can live through us, and then all will fall into place. His church will be built, His way, and He alone will be "Head".
At 3/02/2011 9:19 PM ,
Neil Girrard said...
Dear Patti,
You quoted:
>Newly saved ones have the life of Christ, but their functions are not discernable. After they have grown in life, passed through the breaking of the cross, experienced consecration, and dealt with their natural life and flesh, then Christ can be manifested through them.
This is the “two-step” process that is necessary for real spiritual growth maturity – only problem is, modern churchianity teaches us pretty much only the first step, a rather superficial introduction to Christ and salvation. Newly saved ones? Heck, old-ly “saved ones” have functions that are not discernible, more accurately, non-existent!
A friend of yours and mine recently expressed to me how disturbing it was to him to consider that after all the end times prophecies are fulfilled, millions, literally millions, will die and go to hell because they have not received Christ as Lord and Savior.
Everyone wants a Savior but what is missing is the gospel of the King-dom. To have a kingdom you have to have a King, a Lord. Americans especially do not know how to submit to a king.
If He doesn’t get to tell you what to do and how to live or die, He’s not your King. If you won’t go to the cross He has set before you, He’s not your Lord. If He’s not Lord of all, He’s not Lord at all. If He’s not your Lord, He’s not your Savior either.
What a slippery slope modern churchianity has put us on, one that slides pretty much straight into hell.
Neil Girrard
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