Award from a "super" Supernatural Christian
I appreciate the award presented by Given55. If you would like to read the comments I made about it, please refer to her blog. She has a great blog for those of you who think that they may have spiritual gifts which are supernatural. Reading her blog, helps one know of the struggles in having these gifts, and that others experience similar struggles. It also encourages you to step out and use the gifts, as the Lord directs and leads.
At 2/25/2008 10:03 PM ,
Given55 said...
Wow!!! I read your post and was so overwhelmed, I ran and hid in my little blog. Now, I am back to give you a big "Thank You" for the wonderful words about my blog. I was very humbled by those words and lost in how to tell you how much I appreciate them.
A Very Heartfelt Thanks.
May The God of Hope, Bless you.
At 3/03/2008 6:29 AM ,
Given55 said...
I am back. You have now been tagged over at my place.
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