Eat of Me and Drink of Me
Oh, Lord. We are so desperate for you to be at home in us, and for you to reveal Yourself to and through us. Jesus said when He was on earth to "Eat of me, and drink of me." Lord, many of us are such"how-to" people that we want instructions on how we are to "do" this. But, in writing these words, Lord, I can see that it's not a how-to thing, atleast not a conscious one, for it is spirit. Even so, Lord, we want this to occur in us, for we know that you, being the Living Water, and you, being the Bread of Life, are the only nourishment we need from which all things eternal and fruitful flow. So, Lord, instead of answering a "how-to" question, could you just speak on this to us and show us great and unsearchable things, giving us a glimpse of your heart and mind.
At 12/04/2007 2:49 PM ,
Patti Blount said...
Fear not! I am making a new wine skin of you so that I can pour myself into you, and then you won't burst. You will be able to contain Me. Until then, know I am busy at work in you.
At 12/06/2007 9:30 AM ,
Anonymous said...
This new wine skin is the new covenant that I have given unto the children of Israel and unto the gentiles whom eat of me and drink of my word. They whom eateth and drinketh of me shall themselves become living water for others to drink of as they see a living church filled with my spirit. This new convenant is the Messianic Covenant. Those who take on the new wineskin and are filled with the new wine, become Christ like in body and spirit. Even today many are still within the old wineskin and are doing that of the old wine. Yet, I have fulfill the prophecies, all that was old has now become new.
At 12/06/2007 1:39 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Already it is true that your brother does not have to teach you "Know Me" for all of you who have heard My voice and followed My commands know Me - from the least of you to the greatest. Let no one rob you of following My voice - it is how I am your life and sustenance. You shall live by every word that proceeds from My mouth. Blessed is he who hears what the Spirit is saying to His people.
At 12/13/2007 11:33 AM ,
Anonymous said...
By abiding in me, the most holy and pure vine, you are eating of me and drinking of me. The more you abide, the more you want to abide, and the less you become, bringing to life Myself as your life. The life which is released by your eating and drinking, suffocates your previous life. This is of my design and purpose.
At 12/15/2007 9:32 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water. Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. John 4:10,14,34
Many times often we think of water as a fresh quinching to a deep thirst of dryness. A dryness that seems to go deep within the bones of your body, such as; when your lips are parched dry from the afternoon sun as you persistently work at your days project. At the moment of "whim" you seek out a cool drink of water to fulfill that deep thirst, only finding that you want more.
Seeking God and His will for our life can give that reflection. We learn from the Scripture given in John 4:34, that Jesus was satisified with another soul won for the kingdom of God. That my brethern, is how I fill satisfied in my soul after I have reached out to a dying soul; bringing them to God's living water in Christ (though it is not I who draws them).
Doing the will of our Father is different in each one of us, for the Word says, many are called but few are chosen. Which I percieve that only a few are chosen for a specific "area" that God has called each Christian into.
To Eat and drink of Christ is a forever, continual, daily seeking of that living water, to what God wills and not what we desire. At times when I feel really thirsty for more of Him, is when I feel God is drawing me closer to His will for me on that given day.
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