Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Friday, May 08, 2015

"Fantasia Christianity" is no Christianity At All

     "If you imagine it, it will become"-sounds more like a Disneyland motto than living in His Truth, or according to the Sovereignty of God. The "imagine it" doctrine is based on what we, as carnal people, desire if only we had a magic wand, but living in the land of His Truth is based on what He wants. WE'VE GOT TO GET THAT to experience His Life in us, and for his Life to flow out of us. If we don't His Spirit remains bottled up inside, and is eventually quenched.
     Disneyland living exalts self pleasure, and real Living exalts Him when we yield our lives to what He wants or wills. This, dear friends, is our destiny; a destiny fulfilled through His purposes.
     As our lives are brought into submission to Him, they will have eternal significance, while the other kind of life goes up in smoke because it is a delusion; now you see it, now you don't.
     "Choose this day (for today is the day of salvation)
 who you will serve............................. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."-Joshua 24:15.


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