Great and Unsearchable Things

Things the Lord gives me, and then I write them.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Sooner or Later

     God would rather us turn, I believe, than fall. His desire is for us to see the error of our ways and turn unto Him for the salvation only He can bring. But, many, if not most of us, like the prodigal, has to come to the end of ourselves first.
     This was certainly true in my own life. I did everything I knew to manage my life and the lives of my family to the best of my pitiful ability. Yes, it was pitiful, as God has declared, through Paul's confession, "in my flesh is no good thing." No good thing! Some people can dress it up better than others, but it's flesh none-the-less. If someone has not received salvation through Jesus Christ, they operate from the "no-good-thing" sin nature with fleshly motives and ultimately destructive results.
     Such was my case. Mine wasn't dressed up though. It was blantantly obvious that it wasn't working, as our whole family was drowning without Him! My determination to "do it right" to effect a "right outcome" was strong indeed. In my ignorance of not really knowing I couldn't do it, and that I needed to call out to God for help, God woke me up to this reality one day.
     As I look back at when and how He made Himself known to me, I can now see His heart of love and compassion on my behalf. And not only for me, but for the whole world!!  Everyone is precious to Him, even the prideful. Aren't we all prideful, in a sense, as we try and manage our lives without Him? Doesn't this reflect the pride of man when he first sinned?
      He mysteriously reveals Himself to a soul, according to His knowledge, I believe,  when they are the most ready to receive Him. And He is relentless in doing so! His plan will prevail! The amount of pain we receive is dependent on our willingness to receive Him sooner or later, but if we hold onto our pride tightly, the fall, He promises, will happen with much pain and consequences. Even that is meant for redemption though, so that we might turn to Him, open us to His love and guidance, and Live!!!


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